Unduh: Death Invasion : Zombie Game v1.2.4 MOD APK

Unduh: Death Invasion : Zombie Game v1.2.4 MOD APK

Diperbarui Aktif
Nov 15, 2024
Versi Aplikasi

Gunakan HappyMod dengan kecepatan unduh lebih cepat

Versi Mod Lainnya

Versi: v1.2.4

info mod: Game Speed Hack / Ads Free
1. Unlimited Money,Boxes and Revive Points (When activating it, make a purchase to see the money reflected, to obtain the boxes activate before entering BLACK MARKET, to use the revive points only activate and spend, spending may generate negative numbers after deactivating but it only activates the option to have unlimited money)
2. Unlimited Energy
3. Unlimited Spins (allows you to have unlimited spins in the lottery)
4. God Mode
5. Desintegrate Zombies (will disintegrate all the zombies slowly in a small area)
6. Kill Zombies (It will instantly kill all the zombies in the entire level)
7. Generate Rewards (will make some of the zombies continually generate rewards)
8. Freeze Zombies (freezes all the zombies in the level, be careful not to use it in mission levels)
9. Unlimited Life (Car) (You will have unlimited life in the levels of driving cars)
10. Freezing bullets (all bullets freeze some zombies -on by default)

Ukuran berkas: 230.71 MB

Unduhan: 5

Versi: v1.2.4

info mod: 1. Unlimited Money,Boxes and Revive Points (When activating it, make a purchase to see the money reflected, to obtain the boxes activate before entering BLACK MARKET, to use the revive points only activate and spend, spending may generate negative numbers after deactivating but it only activates the option to have unlimited money)
2. Unlimited Energy
3. Unlimited Spins (allows you to have unlimited spins in the lottery)
4. God Mode
5. Desintegrate Zombies (will disintegrate all the zombies slowly in a small area)
6. Kill Zombies (It will instantly kill all the zombies in the entire level)
7. Generate Rewards (will make some of the zombies continually generate rewards)
8. Freeze Zombies (freezes all the zombies in the level, be careful not to use it in mission levels)
9. Unlimited Life (Car) (You will have unlimited life in the levels of driving cars)
10. Freezing bullets (all bullets freeze some zombies -on by default)

Ukuran berkas: 227.72 MB

Unduhan: 2

Unduh FAQ
Tautan unduhan rusak!
Karena kami menggunakan caching dan server memiliki fungsi sinkronisasi khusus, terkadang beberapa game yang baru diposting akan memiliki tautan yang rusak selama beberapa menit. Anda dapat mencoba lagi dalam waktu sekitar 5-15 menit. Jika setelah sekian lama link download masih gagal, ini pasti kesalahan dalam proses import link editor.
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Cara menginstal game memiliki APK dan OBB
1. Unduh dan pasang Aplikasi HappyMod
2. Cari dan Unduh Game di Aplikasi HappyMod. Aplikasi HappyMod akan membantu Anda mengekstrak file obb pada posisi yang tepat.
3. Instal file APK dan jalankan