Gunakan HappyMod dengan kecepatan unduh lebih cepat
Versi: v1.3
info mod: Game built-in tool, the game needs to download a lot of data 1, perspective 2, purple line frame 3, yellow wire frame 4, cyan line frame 5, red tag 6, green tag 7, cyan tag [Note] The game is running for the first time, and will ask the floating window floating level, please find the game in the list, choose Open, go to open the game. [Tips] If you can't access the game, use the Game Accelerator or Network Tool (VPN) attempt.
Ukuran berkas: 39.91 MB
Unduhan: 7
Tautan unduhan rusak!
MOD Tidak Berfungsi
Kesalahan "Aplikasi tidak diinstal"
Cara menginstal game memiliki APK dan OBB
2. Cari dan Unduh Game di Aplikasi HappyMod. Aplikasi HappyMod akan membantu Anda mengekstrak file obb pada posisi yang tepat.
3. Instal file APK dan jalankan