Gunakan HappyMod dengan kecepatan unduh lebih cepat
Versi: v1.3.7
info mod: much money
Ukuran berkas: 52.88 MB
Unduhan: 2
Versi: v1.3.7
info mod: : Modify the second into the game to get a lot of money (the game loads slowly, it will stay longer in the initial interface, please be patient). [Tips] writeup: Do not start the game to upgrade the level of the house is too high (recommended between 10-20 levels or with low), there would have been stuck in the state for milk (because not full yet)!
Ukuran berkas: 53.46 MB
Unduhan: 2
Versi: v1.3.7
info mod: Second into the game presented a lot of money, it may be a bit long
Ukuran berkas: 51.48 MB
Unduhan: 2
Tautan unduhan rusak!
MOD Tidak Berfungsi
Kesalahan "Aplikasi tidak diinstal"
Cara menginstal game memiliki APK dan OBB
2. Cari dan Unduh Game di Aplikasi HappyMod. Aplikasi HappyMod akan membantu Anda mengekstrak file obb pada posisi yang tepat.
3. Instal file APK dan jalankan